Gynecomastia surgery in Iran

Gynecomastia surgery in Iran

Gynecomastia surgery is one of the services of Iranmedtour, which is offered by the best plastic surgeons with accommodation, translator, medical accompany, and city tour at an affordable price.

What is Gynecomastia?

Men can also have undesirable enlarged breasts. This is a condition known as gynecomastia and may depend on several things. The growth of the mammary gland during puberty is normal but if it grows too much, this may give the impression of a more feminine bust. Gynecomastia can also be due to various medical treatments including hormonal therapy.
The condition can even be caused by fat accumulation around the bust and is then called ”pseudo gynecomastia”. This form commonly occurs during large weight changes.

Types of gynecomastia


This animation covers the surgical procedure in a simple and easy-to-understand format.

When you book an appointment for a consultation before gynecomastia and correction, you get to meet with the surgeon during your first meeting. Together, we review your needs and your circumstances. You will get all the information you need and of course, we answer your questions and concerns. We will also carry out a medical examination to establish that you are suitable for this surgery.
We usually recommend that our patients look at the before and after images of gynecomastia. This ensures that you will get a good idea of what you want but also what you do not want. Bring your pictures and questions to your first visit.
The surgeon will examine breast tissue to see how surgery can help you. The operation approach depends on the cause of gynecomastia; abnormal breast growth and fat accumulation are treated in two different surgical procedures. If gynecomastia is due to medical reasons then the cause of the hormonal balance in the body must be verified and determined.

Operation of gynecomastia


After your first meeting and consultation, we will go through how gynecomastia surgery can help you to arrange a time for plastic surgery.
A gynecomastia surgery, depending on the scope be performed under light anesthesia or local anesthesia. If gynecomastia depends on the growth of breast tissue, an incision is made and tissue is cut away below the areola. If it is pseudo gynecomastia, meaning gynecomastia due to fat accumulation, you can choose to do liposuction around the chest.

following surgery

The operation is relatively simple and small, therefore it can be performed under local anesthesia or light general anesthesia. When the operation is complete, ”invisible stitches” are made to prevent scars and then a bandage; patients will be discharged the same day.
All bodies heal differently but in most cases, you can see the results of the surgery after one to two weeks. However, it may take up to several months before the skin around the breast has adapted and drawn together. Therefore we would recommend our patients avoid heavy and strenuous physical activity during the first few months.

Before & After

If you want to have a unique face and less painful surgery simultaneously enjoy your journey, we suggest you check out the Iranmedtour Gynecomastia Packages.😊

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