Gastric bypass surgery in Iran

Gastric bypass surgery in Iran

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the services of Iranmedtour, which is offered by the best plastic surgeons, with accommodation, translator, medical accompany, and city tour at an affordable price.

What is Gastric Bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most effective bariatric surgeries performed with the aim of changing your digestive system in a way that can help you to eat less and lose weight.

It is recommended to do this surgery if diet and exercise have no positive result on losing weight and you are encountering serious health problems because of obesity.

After this obesity surgery, some parts of your digestive system including the stomach and small intestine will not handle the food and your stomach will feel full by eating less. In this way, your body can absorb fewer calories resulted in losing weight.

Who is a good candidate?

The best candidate for performing Gastric bypass surgery is adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 40. Patients with a BMI of more than 35 suffering from some severe diseases such as Fatty liver, Diabetes, Heart disease, or High blood pressure due to obesity can benefit from this surgery to control them as well.

It is also important to get mentally ready for the follow-up plans you need to consider after Gastric bypass surgery including the special diet and changing your lifestyle.

That’s why you need to visit and consult with an experienced surgeon before deciding about doing this surgery. Usually, specialists determine if you are really a good candidate for Gastric Sleeve surgery by reviewing your history about:

  • Previous diets, weight loss programs, and exercises
  • Medical conditions and severe health problems
  • Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs
  • Your psychological and emotional status about the post-surgery instructions
  • Your motivation and main reasons for doing this surgery

What is the difference between Gastric Bypass surgery and Sasibypass?

Gastric bypass surgery and Sasibypass are both bariatric surgeries helping you to lose weight however, the procedure of performing these two surgeries is not the same?

In this overweight surgery, your digestive system including the stomach and small intestine will be changed to make your body absorb fewer calories while in the Sasibypass in addition to the Digestive system changes, some parts of your stomach will be removed. Actually, in Sasibypass both Gastric bypass surgery and Gastric Sleeve surgery are performed simultaneously.

How is Gastric Bypass surgery performed?

Gastric Bypass surgery is done under general anesthesia in 2 ways: open surgery or laparoscopy.

In open surgery, the specialists cut your belly to have access to your digestive system and start surgery. However, in laparoscopy, a small camera called a laparoscope will be directed to your belly and the surgeon can perform the process without any need to cut your belly.

The main process of surgery is then performed as the following steps:

At first, your stomach will be divided into two parts by using staples: one bigger part on the top of your stomach called a pouch and one smaller part at the bottom. The food you eat after surgery will directly go to the bigger part which can now hold about 28 gr which means you have to eat less and as a result, you will lose weight gradually.

Bypass is actually done on the second step by creating a small hole in the pouch and connecting part of your small intestine (the jejunum) to it. In this way, your body will absorb fewer calories during the digestion process.

After surgery

After Gastric Bypass Surgery, hospitalization for 1 to 3 nights is necessary depends on the operation performed. Usually, you need to stay more at the hospital after open surgery.

It’s very important to follow the doctor’s instructions about your diet to help your digestive system healing sooner. The diet after Gastric Bypass surgery includes:

  • 1-2 days: Just liquids
  • 2-3 weeks: Purred and mixed foods
  • 4-6 weeks: Regular eating according to the doctor instruction about what and how much to eat

You can expect to lose your weight in 3 to 6 months and continue for 18 months after surgery and you may experience a few side effects such as body aches, feeling cold, dry skin, and hair loss which are totally normal for 1 or 2 months after Gastric Bypass surgery:

How much does Gastric Bypass surgery cost?

The Average Cost of Gastric Bypass in the United States is about $20,000 to $25,000 however it is estimated to decrease up to $12000 in some European countries such as Finland or Georgia. Although it shows a huge difference between the cost of surgery in America and Europe, this is not affordable for many people who really need to go under Gastric Bypass surgery and become healthy.

The good news is that all patients have this opportunity to travel to Iran and perform Gastric Bypass surgery is the most famous and equipped hospitals just by $5000 or even less.

If you want to be in shape and have painless surgery, and you want to enjoy your journey, I suggest you visit Iranmedtour Gastric bypass Package. 😊

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