Hair Transplant in Iran

Hair Transplant in Iran

Hair transplant is one of the services of Iranmedtour, which is offered by the best plastic surgeons with accommodation, translator, medical accompany, and city tour at an affordable price.

What is hair transplant?

Hair transplants are a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair. For many people, a hair transplant can help bring back what looks like a full, or at least a fuller, head of hair.
Keywords: hair transplant, follicles, hair-loss, bald, graft
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique in which the roots of the hair are removed from the donor area to the hair-loss or hair-free area. This method is used more often to treat male hair loss. Genetically resistant roots are removed from the bald area. In addition, the method is used to repair eyebrows, eyelashes, scalp, pubic hair, and genital area and to cover the site of accidental or surgical wounds remaining from skin pulling and previous hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is different from skin grafting.
Every hair follicle grows 1 to 4 strands of hair. Today, the most advanced hair transplants transmit intact hair follicles. As a result, the hair has a more natural appearance. This is called Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT in short. Donation hair is collected in two completely different ways. This is extremely specialized work and only dermatologists are allowed to do it.

What hair on the head is used for hair implant?

What hair on the head is used for hair implant?

In a hair transplant depending on the type of transplantation, one’s hair is removed from the back of the head or an area of ​​the body and then separated using a microscope and special loops, and the follicles are cut off individually and transplanted into the recipient area by making cuts of about one millimeter. And also the body does not react to these hairs and in fact, this is why a natural hair transplant is beneficial. Given that a transplanted organ comes from the body itself, it does not require medical treatments. If the doctor is fully experienced, the hair will be removed so delicately that only a very fine line will remain. Keep in mind, however, that when the hair is transplanted, it will shed after 4 to 6 months and then the hair will grow back, so you should not worry as hair loss is normal after transplanting.

The procedures

These days, FUT and FIT are the most common hair transplantation techniques that you can choose the most appropriate by consulting your doctor. Hair follicles will be transplanted individually and in their natural way, so the transplanted hair will grow just like natural hair.

The most common successful hair transplant procedures include:


The hair is cut in batches and implanted in the place where it is needed by making holes in the scalp. Nowadays, this method is of little use due to the artificial look it creates.


Hair removal is done from a small strip of the back area of the head, usually under local anesthesia, containing 1,500 to 2,500 grafts which contain 7,000 to 9,000 hair strands, and then the site of surgery is repaired and because the hair removal line is in the hair growth path, usually the repaired site cannot be seen. Then, under the microscope, the hair follicle grafts are surgically separated into single, double, or triple units ready for implantation. The head is not shaved, only the area needed for harvesting and trimming is shortened, and then the individual and very neatly prepared follicles are implanted according to a predetermined design. Another feature of this procedure is its duration which is between three to five hours. Currently, FUT is the most reliable and definitive method of hair transplants in the world and up to 97% of users have achieved the desired result.


When a bald person has a good hair bank, the FIT method may be suggested in which there is no more cutting and stitching. The applicant does not need to be hospitalized, only local anesthesia and complete disinfection of hair follicles with special tools are needed. Finally, the follicles are implanted in the bald spot. You may have heard more about the transfer of body hair to the bald area of the head. The FIT method is the one that allows us to do this if the patient does not have a good hair bank and it should also be said that by removing hair from the back of the head, the hair removal site will be invisible and the transplant site will be perfectly normal and the patient does not need to be recovered after hair transplant.

Hair Care After Natural Hair Transplant

When a bald person has a good hair bank, the FIT method may be suggested in which there is no more cutting and stitching. The applicant does not need to be hospitalized, only local anesthesia and complete disinfection of hair follicles with special tools are needed. Finally, the follicles are implanted in the bald spot. You may have heard more about the transfer of body hair to the bald area of the head. The FIT method is the one that allows us to do this if the patient does not have a good hair bank and it should also be said that by removing hair from the back of the head, the hair removal site will be invisible and the transplant site will be perfectly normal and the patient does not need to be recovered after hair transplant.

If you want to have a unique face and less painful surgery simultaneously enjoy your journey, we suggest you check out the Iranmedtour Hair Transplant Packages.😊

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