Cataract surgery in Iran

Cataract Surgery is one of the services of Iranmedtour, which is provided by the best surgeons, along with accommodation, translator, companion nurse, and city tour at an affordable price in Iran.

What is cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the lens of your eye and, in most cases, replace it with an artificial lens. Normally, the lens of your eye is clear. A cataract causes the lens to become cloudy, which eventually affects your vision. Cataract surgery, usually an outpatient procedure, takes an hour or less to perform.

Cataract surgery in Iran

Cataract Surgery: Lens Extraction and Prosthetic Lens Insertion

The cataract surgery depicted shows the removal of a cloudy lens via phacoemulsification, and the placement of an artificial lens in the eye. The basic anatomy of the eye and its ability to receive light is contrasted with the negative effects of a cataract lens.

There are different techniques for cataract surgery

1. Phacoemulsification:

In this technique, a micro-incision (around 3 millimeters wide) is made at the edge of the cornea. With an ultrasound-based technique called phacoemulsification, the cloudy lens is then extracted through the incision.

2. Extracapsular surgery:

This technique involves a larger incision (typically 10–12 mm) on the side of the cornea. The cloudy core of the lens is first removed through the opening and the remaining part of the lens is suctioned out. This technique is best for patients who have very hard cataracts or for those unsuited for the phacoemulsification option.

3. FemtoPhaco:

Also referred to as ‘laser cataract surgery, or ‘laser-assisted cataract surgery’, FemtoPhaco involves a combination of Femto laser treatment and phacoemulsification.

Who is a good candidate for Cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is performed to treat cataracts that cause blurry vision and increase the glare from lights makes it difficult for patients to carry out their normal activities.
When a cataract interferes with the treatment of another eye problem, cataract surgery may be recommended. Otherwise, you can wait for the cataract to be damaged completely without making any problem for other organs.

To prepare before cataract surgery

A week or so before your surgery, your doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the size and shape of your eye and determine the right type of lens implant for you.
You may advise stopping taking certain medications.
Your doctor may advise you to use eye drops to reduce infection risk. Antibiotic eyedrops may be prescribed for use one or two days before the surgery.
You may be instructed not to eat or drink anything 12 hours before the procedure.
Before surgery, you and your eye doctor will discuss which type of intraocular lens (IOL) might work best for you and your lifestyle. Some of the types of lenses available include:
• Fixed-focus mono-focal.
• Accommodating-focus mono-focal.
• Multifocal.
• Astigmatism correction (toric).

Recovery time of cataract surgery

Cataract surgery is very common and is generally a safe procedure, so there is no need to be hospitalized. Normally you can go home on the same day as your surgery, but you are not allowed to do some activities such as driving, bending and lifting, for about a week after your surgery.
• Colours may seem brighter after your surgery because you are looking through a new, clear lens.
• You’ll usually see your eye doctor a day or two after your surgery, the following week, and then again after about a month to monitor healing.
• Your doctor may ask you to wear an eye patch or protective shield the day of surgery or a few days after your surgery during the recovery period.
• Your doctor may prescribe eye drops or other medication to prevent infection.

Cost of cataract surgery

• The average cost of cataract surgery depends on different factors such as Hospital cost, surgeon fee, type of lens, and the method of surgery. Generally, the cost of cataract surgery in Europe is about 3500 $ and more than 6000 $ in the USA. However, most insurances cover this surgery which may cause reducing the costs.
• Iran is the host of more than 100 cataract surgery patients from all over the world. The main reason for patients traveling to Iran to do cataract surgery is the high success rate of this surgery in Iran due to using the most recent methods such as Femto laser and the knowledge and specialty of our eye surgeons. The cost of cataract surgery in Iran even in advanced eye surgery clinics such as Noor hospital is significantly low and starts from $500.

If you would like the best surgeons in Iran’s first-class hospitals to perform your surgery, and at the same time be comfortable and stress-free during your treatment and stay in Iran at a reasonable cost, like your home, get in touch with Iran Medtour Consultants. 😊

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